Okay. So You Are Ready to Join The VIP Tribe and Take Massive Action to Grow Your Business
That’s AMAZING. How are you feeling right now?

I get SO flippin mad when I get messages from gorgeous babes who are being bullied and shamed by business coaches in the online space.
“If you arent selling your car or applying for a credit card, then you aren’t serious about your business.”
Grrr… Who the F made that rule up? Just because someone isn’t taking out a second mortgage on their house, applying for a loan or selling their car to work with you – doesn’t mean they aren’t serious about growing their business. And it doesnt mean they don’t deserve help.
This is why I created programs outside of my 1:1 Coaching, Like the Badass Business Babe VIP tribe – Because EVERYONE deserves help. No matter what financial situation they are in.
Because I’m not in the business of helping myself: I am in the business of helping the world.

In order to be successful in an online business, you must at all times, be working on three things:
The Strategy: Marketing, Sales, Branding, Program Design etc.
The Mindset: Removing doubt, building confidence, being that real deal business babe…All the emotional work.
The SOUL: Reconnecting with your higher-self, aligning with your true calling, and making your expansive empire with a spiritual connection that makes you feel safe and guided at all times.

“Before I became a badass goddess VIP I was feeling lost and pretty overwhelmed by my coaching business.
Lauren (being the crazy generous person she is) and the women in this tribe showed me light.
My vision became clear, my branding came together, and I finally started to get messages in my inbox! This tribe has shaped the type of coach I have become and I feel so blessed to be a part of such a powerful tribe!”
Amanda Michelle Shenton –

“I love being a member of the Badass Goddesses VIP tribe.
The community is super-supportive and the training is frequent, up-to-date and relevant to business people today. It’s one of the first groups I check in with every day and I’ve found so many excellent resources there. Recommend!”
-Sarah Reilly. Life coach, NLP practitioner and strategic interventionist. If you’re not living all your dreams, there’s likely some out-of-date patterns in your subconscious that are getting in the way. Apply for a complimentary session via to see what’s holding you back

3 Spiritual and Emotional Business Coaching Calls/Month
Access to the VIP Business Babe Course Portal
Online Community Support in the VIP Member Group

$275 USD

$275 USD

$440 USD

$156 USD

When I started my business, I was really really overwhelmed. I was spinning my wheels trying to control everything in my life.
I had no idea how to actually attract clients and make great money doing what I love.
I wanted to make multiple six figures, but I had 65K in debt and no idea how to actually do it. Then depression, anxiety and overwhelm took on in my life. I felt like I couldn’t get the results I wanted and that success was only “something other people had.” And then I found my love for essential oils and tapped into a spiritual awakening that changed my business.
I was able to come off of all my Anxiety and Depression medication and started actually showing up in my business with confidence and leadership. I didn’t have to force sales and I could actually flow in a space of abundance growing my online empire.
I knew these bottles changed my business – and I want to help you change yours too.

GO TO: Badassbusinessbabe.com/oils/
You’ll be taken to a new window where you’ll put in info directly with the dōTERRA site (this is the oil company we use)
Create a Free Wellness Advocate Account by putting in your information.
If they ask for a SPONSOR and MEMBER ID CODE, use code:
Select and order any kit over 140PV (These are called “Volume Points)
Once you do that you will be given all the welcome info within 24 hours from me and my team!

Once you join with that Sponsor and Enroll ID, I’ll get a notification that you have joined our tribe! YAY!
I’ll add you to our VIP group and send you an email with all the starter info you need to know! Once that’s done, you will get the option to grab a free bonus coaching call if you’d like!